
Buckeye Wildlife Solutions is committed to individual and team excellence in all domains. It is ultimately up to the customer, however, to determine how we stack up with the competition. Our most dedicated clients take the time to leave reviews on websites like Angie’s List, Facebook, and Google Reviews. We appreciate the time they take out of their lives to help our business grow and hope to serve them in the future.

 If you aren’t familiar with Angie’s List, we highly recommend you check out our profile over there. Angie’s List is a service which crowd sources public reviews of businesses all across the country into a meta-review format. Their job is to keep you informed so that you can hire the best businesses for your specific needs. Customers can rate their experience using letter grades (A+, B-. etc.) and also leave a written review. We have included several testimonials on our site – mostly from Angie’s List

Our blog is updated weekly (around two posts per week). Each post covers a topic relevant to the current wildlife situation in Columbus, OH and surrounding areas. The posts may be more informational (about one particular species), or cover a certain pattern or natural phenomenon (migration). Keeping up with us is a guaranteed way to make sure you don’t get blind-sided by pests!