Flea Extermination Columbus, Ohio
Fleas can present a long and costly battle to every homeowner, even if there is no pet present in the home to feed on. They can also be found all year round thanks to the climate controlled environment of the home. Fleas can be found in almost all parts of the world, except for antarctica where the climate is far to cold for hardly any insect to survive. That being said, fleas in Columbus, Ohio are prevalent and flourishing in untreated areas.
Buckeye Wildlife Solutions
Call: 419-982-5502 OR 844-544-9453
Open Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM
An untreated flea infestation can cause frustration, stress, anxiety and discomfort among you, your family, and your pets. They are also the propagator of heart worms that lead to health issues and even death among untreated animals. The reason why store bought products are ineffective when it comes to the treatment of a flea infestation is because those products only target the 15% of the flea population. The most important part of that population is the portion that is unseen. When the adults are eliminated, that gives the false impression that the flea problem has been taken care of. By the time adults reemerge in their life cycle, thousands more fleas have been created and are running rampant though a blood rich environment. BWS Pros have a specific plan that targets that which is unseen and for the months to come. Our products are residuals and continue working long after we are gone, so you can rest assured the BWS Pros have successfully taken care of any flea issues you might have.
Fleas usually occur when they are brought in from the outdoors on a host, such your family pet. They also can be brought in, though in much rarer occasions, by a visitors pet or even a human host. The fleas are able to spread out of control as a flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day. BWS pros eliminate eggs, larvae, pupa and adults as well as give you tips and tricks to manage and prevent future flea infestations. The longer you wait, the larger the flea infestation becomes so give Buckeye Wildlife Solutions a call now to help you keep your home yours.